Destination Imagination Info and Sign-Up Night!

Want to find out more about the DI program here at GVS?  Come to our informational meeting to learn more about what it takes to be a “Di-er” and to possibly sign-up for a team!    

ALL TEAMS MUST HAVE AN ADULT (usually a parent) VOLUNTEER MANAGER!  This is a community-dependent program that has been at GVS for the last 21 years.  We generally have five competitive teams (grades 3-6) and one or two non-competitive Rising Stars teams each year!  Any “old DI-er” will tell you there’s nothing like DI for fun and creativity that lasts a lifetime.  

Please come check it out!  Meeting in Ms. Bechta’s classroom (141) on Wednesday, September 13,  at 5:00pm.  Please return this form to school no later than Tuesday, September 12.  Existing teams may continue, but I must hear from you to purchase your Team Number for registration.  New potential members will be contacted for a further meeting to set up potential new teams, which will be contingent on volunteer managers.

Potential parent newbie managers:  DI has a Manager training and Manager support Zooms and will provide you with information and materials you need to start a team.  I will also be available to help you with any questions, concerns, or set-up issues you have.

Click here to see DI’s YouTube introduction of the program: Destination Imagination: The Creative Journey Starts Here-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Please fill out this slip and return to Ms. Bechta by Tuesday, Sept.12.  Thanks!

  • We will be at the DI informational meeting.  Please list all who will attend.  Children must come with a parent. Please set the expectation that all children attending will be respectful listeners or have a quiet activity so the group can focus on the presentation.

Child’s full name and grade/ class, parent name and email:


  • I have done DI before.  I am interested in the options for forming/ becoming part of a team.
  • I am new to DI and would need to be placed on a new team or form a new team.
  • I am a member of a team, or an approved added member of a team, that intends to sign up (make sure you contact your other team members to confirm this, as well as the team manager)
  • I am very interested and would like to talk with you further to be sure I can meet the expectations of a DI team member before I sign up/ interview.
  • My parent is interested in either being a manger, co-manager, or appraiser for my potential team