Four Winds surprise for our adult volunteers!

Submitted by Sabrina Graham
Our Four Winds volunteers were in the Outdoor Classroom Thursday morning, preparing for our March unit (Feathering the Nests), when they had a very exciting visitor! A barred owl swooped down and landed in the snow behind the outdoor classroom. It then flew up and landed in one of the trees where it perched and was actively looking all around. Volunteers were surprised at what happened next! A small group of crows flew in and one of them began to dive at the owl! The owl took off from its perch and the crows continued to chase it away. Interestingly enough, barred owls are nesting right now (and nests are our March topic!). Volunteers went outside and were able to see a wing and track print in the snow where the owl had landed (which was our January/February topic!). So keep your eyes peeled around the Outdoor Classroom, it's possible the barred owl may be nesting nearby! 